Dunces With Wolves

When it comes to money, Bernard Jones is a bit of a dunce. The retired civil servant and amateur investor discovers that when share prices start plunging his wealth falls even faster. As the credit crunch bites, he and his share club cronies at the Ring o’Bells pub find they…

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Temple of Mammon

In this second volume of the Bernard Jones Diaries, retired civil servant Bernard Jones is approaching his 64th birthday. Making money through investing remains as elusive as ever, though his overbearing and over-sexed wife Eunice finds no trouble spending it. Hell’s Bells, the share club started at the Ring o’Bells…

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Funny Money

Retired civil servant Bernard Jones isn’t, as he would be the first to agree, the world’s greatest investor. The man who lost money with shares in Jarvis and Railtrack, and who retains a with-profits policy with Equitable Life has proved that the best way to make a small fortune in…

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